Notification Icons & Images

General information regarding web push notification icons and images.

Web Push Notifications support Icon, Image, and Badge customization options.

Setting the Icon, Image, and Badge

By default, iZooto uses a Bell Icon for Icon and Badge. This can be changed to one of your choices from the iZooto panel while sending the notification under the Message section.


Using own icon from the Send Notification page

Badges can be changed from under the Advanced section on the Send Notification page.


Using own badge from the Send Notification page

The image can be defined by using the Banner Image field under the Message section on the Send Notification page.


If you are using Rest APIs to push notifications, you can use icon_url, badge_icon_url, and banner_url parameters to define Icon, Badge, and Banner Image respectively. Please note that APIs support only https URLs for all kinds of parameters.


The icon displays to the side of the notification's title and message. In this example, it is the iZooto logo.


Notification with icon on Chrome on Windows 10


Notification with icon on Chrome on macOS

Icon Requirements

ColorRGB colors
ResolutionRecommended: 256x256 or larger
Filetypejpg, png, gif, webp, ico, cur, bmp

Not supported: svg or animated gifs (will show first gif frame only)
API Parametericon_url


Only Chrome supports displaying a large image below the notification's title and message. Chrome on macOS requires the BigSur update or higher to support images.

ResolutionRecommendations: 2:1 aspect ratio landscape

Max Width: 2000 pixels
Min Width: 300 pixels

Common Sizes:
Filetypejpg, png, gif, webp, ico, cur, bmp

Not supported: svg or animated gifs (will show first gif frame only)
API Parameterbanner_url


Image Issues?

For troubleshooting, please refer to Notification Images Not Shown on Device.

Sliding Image on Android (too many notifications in the tray)

When there are too many notifications in the tray, the image may not be shown at first. The notifications has to be "scrolled down" to see the image.



Chrome on Android

For Chrome 53+ on Android 6.0+, the badge replaces the Chrome browser icon that appears in the notification tray and above the title. In this example, a custom badge for the app replaces the Chrome browser icon.


Custom Badge on Android Chrome

Badge Requirements

ColorAlpha channel only

Not supported: RGB channels. Badges use alpha channels because they must appear on both light and dark backgrounds.
Resolution72x72 or larger
Filetypepng, gif, webp, ico, cur, bmp

Not supported: svg or animated gifs (will show first gif frame only)

Must use an HTTPS URL
API Parameterbadge_icon_url

Here is an example badge icon of our iZooto logo that uses only the alpha channel.