Android Tags
If you don't already know how to tag your users, visit this documentation.
REST API: Get Your Tagged Users
Use the following API to get a list of all the tags that you have created for your subscribers.
curl -X GET \
-H āAuthentication-Token: 'Your_iZooto_API_Key'ā
-H āContent-Type: application/jsonā
Sample Response
"topics": {
"Your Tag Name 1": 10,
"Your Tag Name 2": 40,
"Your Tag Name 3": 300
The data is returned in a JSON format where,
Type | Data Type | Description |
Key | String | Tag Name. This would be the name of the tag you used while calling our addTag method. |
Value | Integer | Audience Reach. These would be the total number of users that are tagged under a particular name. |
Push Campaigns to Android Tags
Use the following API to send notifications only to a specific Tag you created for your Android Subscribers.
curl -X POST \
- H "Authentication-Token: {Your_iZooto_API_Key}" \
- H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"icon_url" : "{ICON_URL}",
"banner_url" : "{BANNER_URL}",
"landing_url" : "{LANDING_URL}",
"actions" : [
"text" : "{BUTTON_1_TEXT}",
"url" : "{BUTTON_1_URL}",
"text" : "{BUTTON_2_TEXT}",
"url" : "{BUTTON_2_URL}",
"utm_source" : "{UTM_SOURCE}",
"utm_medium" : "{UTM_MEDIUM}",
"utm_campaign" : "{UTM_CAMPAIGN}",
"ttl" : {TTL_SECONDS},
"target" : {
"type": "topic",
"value" : "Your_Android_Tag_Name" # Replace this with your Tag Name.
"open_in_app" :{TRUE/FALSE}
}' ""
For parameter definition, please refer to this documentation.
Updated over 3 years ago