Flutter SDK
Comprehensive reference of iZooto's SDK methods for Android & iOS apps built with the Flutter framework.
Just starting with Flutter?
Check out our Flutter SDK Integration guide.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Initialisation | ||
init | Builder Method | Initialises iZooto to register the device for push notifications. Should be called in the AppState class of your main.dart file.See Flutter SDK Setup for details and code examples. |
User Permission | ||
setSubscription | Method | Disables iZooto from sending notifications to the current device. |
navigateToSettings | Method | Can be used to re-direct the users to the App Settings page to check the notification permissions, etc. |
Token Handler | ||
onTokenReceived | Method | Includes the onTokenReceived method to get the subscription token for the current device. |
Notifications Handler | ||
onNotificationReceived | Handler | Called when a notification is received by a device. |
onNotificationOpened | Handler | Called when the notification is clicked by the user. |
WebView Handler | ||
onWebView | Handler | To open Landing URL inside your app's activity. |
Notification Channel | ||
setNotificationChannelName | Method | ONLY FOR ANDROID - Can be used to set a custom channel name for the notifications. |
Appearance | ||
setDefaultTemplate | Method | Customize your notification template instead of the default Android template. Details available here. |
setDefaultNotificationBanner | Method | Define a default banner image to be used when using the custom template. Details available here. |
setBadgeCount | Method | ONLY FOR IOS - Customize the badge count displayed on the app icon. |
Sound | ||
setNotificationSound | Method | Customize the sound that gets played whenever a notification is received on the device. |
Analytics | ||
setFirebaseAnalytics | Method | Send events to Google Analytics to track your campaign performance. |
Android Tags | ||
addTag | Method | Use this method to tag a user to a specific value. |
removeTag | Method | Use this method to remove already tagged users from a value. |
Get Tags List REST: GET API | API | Get a list of all the tags that you have created for you app along with the number of users inside that tag. |
Send Campaigns to Tagged Users REST: POST API | API | Use this to send out notifications to only your tagged users. |
Initialises iZooto to register the device for push notifications. Should be called in the AppState
class of your main.dart
file. See Flutter SDK Setup for details and code examples.
Future<void> _iZootoInitialise() async {
iZooto.androidInit(); // for Android
iZooto.iOSInit(appId: "YOUR_IZOOTO_APP_ID"); // for iOS
User Permission
Can be used to not deliver notifications to a specific device. This method does not officially subscribe or unsubscribe users from the app settings, it unsubscribes them from receiving a push from iZooto.
You can call this method with false
to opt-out users from receiving notifications through iZooto. You can pass true
later to opt users back into notifications.
The below snippet needs to be added to the main.dart
file of the code.
This method can be used to take the users to the App Settings page to check the notification permissions and/or other app settings. This method becomes useful if the user has disabled notifications and you would like to have an option inside the app itself to re-direct the user to the App Settings page to allow the user to re-enable the notification permissions. The method can be called at the click of a button or any other event as per requirement.
Token Handler
This method will return the subscription token of the current device. The token would only be visible when the app has been launched after installation.
The below snippet needs to be added to the main.dart
file of the code.
iZooto.shared.onTokenReceived((token) {
print('iZooto Flutter Token : $token ');
Notification Handlers
Implement Notification Handlers to send and receive data when a notification is received or clicked.
Fires when a notification is received. It will be fired when your app is in focus or in the background.
The following snippet goes in the main.dart
iZooto.shared.onNotificationReceived((payload) {
print('iZooto Flutter Paylaod : $payload ');
List<dynamic> list = json.decode(payload);
List<String> receivedpayload = list.reversed.toList();
Use to process an iZooto notification the user just tapped on.
Add the below code snippet in the main.dart
iZooto.shared.onNotificationOpened((data) {
print('iZooto DeepLink Datadata : $data');
WebView Handler
This method can be used to override iZooto's Landing URL and directly open them inside your app's WebView. No explicit notification handler code is required and you would not have to define additional key: value
pairs to do so.
Using this will significantly reduce the campaign creation time.
Add the below code snippet in the main.dart
iZooto.shared.onWebView((landingUrl) {
print('iZooto Landing URL : $landingUrl');
Notification Channel
This method can be used to define a custom Notification Channel name for the push notifications.
setNotificationChannelName(String channelName);
Points to Note
- The Notification Channel name cannot be more than 30 characters and the name cannot contain special characters.
- If no channel name is provided or if the character length is more than 30 characters, then the channel name will be
AppName Notifications
.- If the App Name is also not available, then the channel name will be
Push Notifications
The NewsRoom Template ensures that the background image covers the entire available surface area of the push notification with zero bezels. All the text is overlaid on the image. This works in both expanded and collapsed views.
This would override the default behaviour and would use the new NewsRoom Template. Please refer to our Android Push Notification Templates guide for more details.
If you plan to use the NewsRoom Template (as defined above), it is a good practice to define a default banner image to be used with the notification in case the actual banner image does not load due to network issues, etc. This would ensure that the notification is always pushed with a banner image.
(only for iOS)
(only for iOS)Used to set a custom badge count to be displayed on the app icon on the device. By default, the notification count is set as incremental.
This can be modified to a static number by using the below method:
func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
application.applicationIconBadgeNumber = 0
iZooto.setBadgeCount(badgeNumber: 1)
Add the below code to the SceneDelegate.swift
file to ensure the above method works with all iOS versions.
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
func sceneDidBecomeActive(_ scene: UIScene) {
UIApplication.shared.applicationIconBadgeNumber = 0
iZooto.setBadgeCount(badgeNumber: 1)
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
func sceneWillEnterForeground(_ scene: UIScene) {
UIApplication.shared.applicationIconBadgeNumber = 0
iZooto.setBadgeCount(badgeNumber: 1)
in thesetBadgeCount
method to default to an incremental value.
Ensure that App Groups are added to use badge count.
Used to set a custom sound to the notifications when delivered on the device. The device's usual notification sound is played by default, which can be overridden to use a custom sound for your app.
Add the below code to the respective classes to enable this feature:
iZooto.didReceiveNotificationExtensionRequest(bundleName :"YOUR_BUNDLE_NAME", soundName: "<SoundNameHere>",request: receivedRequest, bestAttemptContent: bestAttemptContent,contentHandler: contentHandler)
[iZooto didReceiveNotificationExtensionRequestWithBundleName:@"YOUR_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER_NAME" soundName:@"Sound_Name_Here" request:self.receivedRequest bestAttemptContent:self.bestAttemptContent contentHandler: self.contentHandler];
Points to Note
- The notifications sound file should already be present in the project directory.
- Supported file types are .mp3 and .wav.
- The file name needs to be passed without the file extension for Android and with the file extension for iOS.
iZooto will automatically send notification events to your analytics dashboard if Google Analytics for Firebase is correctly implemented.
The iZooto SDK tracks events that pertain to notification open & receive events. The following events are sent:
Event Name | Purpose |
push_notification_opened | An iZooto notification was opened |
push_notification_received | An iZooto notification was received. |
push_notification_influence_open | An application was opened within 2 minutes of an iZooto notification being received. |
The iZooto SDK also sends parameters that contain more info about the particular notification the event is attributed to. These can be directly defined when you create a campaign.
Parameter Name | Purpose |
source | To attribute this event's source to the iZooto SDK |
medium | A formal indication that the medium for the event is a notification. |
campaign | By default, it would be your campaign name. |
term | Can be used to track keywords |
content | Can be used to differentiate between links that point to the same URL. |
Follow the Firebase integration documentation and verify that Firebase is correctly functioning inside your application.
Once everything is set up, use the following code snippet in the App.js
file to enable passing events to Firebase.
You're Done!
Google Analytics for Firebase is now set up to receive iZooto events.
Updated about 2 years ago