Push to an Audience

This API can be used to send notification against an audience. You may use 'Get audiences' API described below to get a list of audiences along with their IDs. You can push notifications to an audience using the audience ID.

Get Audiences

This API can be used to get the list of audiences created through 'Audience Builder' on iZooto Panel.


curl -X GET \
 -H "Authentication-Token: {API_TOKEN}" \



Sample Code

curl -X GET \
 -H "Authentication-Token: abc1234defghji89766" \
"audience": [
"id": 1381,
"name": "Frequent-Shoppers",
"reach": 12324
"id": 1387

Here id represents the audience ID against which notification has to be pushed, name represents the 'Audience Name' created on panel, and reach represents the total no. of subscribers that belong to the respective audience.

Send notification to an audience

This API can be used to send notification against an audience. You may use 'Get audiences' API described above to get list of audiences along with their IDs. These IDs can be used to push notifications against using 'Push notification to an audience'.


curl -X POST \
 - H "Authentication-Token: {API_TOKEN}" \
 - H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{
 "campaign_name" : "{CAMPAIGN_NAME}",
 "title" : "{NOTIFICATION_TITLE}",
 "message" : "{NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE}",
 "icon_url" : "{ICON_URL}",
 "badge_icon_url" : "{BADGE_ICON_URL}",
 "banner_url" : "{BANNER_URL}",
 "landing_url" : "{LANDING_URL}",
 "actions" : [
 "text" : "{BUTTON_1_TEXT}",
 "url" : "{BUTTON_1_URL}",
 "icon" : "{BUTTON_1_ICON}"
 "text" : "{BUTTON_2_TEXT}",
 "url" : "{BUTTON_2_URL}",
 "icon" : "{BUTTON_2_ICON}"
 "utm_source" : "{UTM_SOURCE}",
 "utm_medium" : "{UTM_MEDIUM}",
 "utm_campaign" : "{UTM_CAMPAIGN}",
 "utm_term": "{UTM_TERM}",
 "utm_content": "{UTM_CONTENT}",
 "req_interaction" : {true/false},
 "override_tag" : "{CAMPAIGN_TAG_NAME}",
 "ttl" : {TTL_SECONDS},
 "target" : {
 "type : "audience", 
 "value" : {AUDIENCE_ID}
 }' "https://apis.izooto.com/v1/notifications"
curl --request POST \
     --url https://apis.izooto.com/v1/notifications \
     --header 'Authentication-Token:YOUR_REST_API_KEY' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '{
     "campaign_name" : "{CAMPAIGN_NAME}",
     "title" : "{NOTIFICATION_TITLE}",
     "message" : "{NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE}",
     "icon_url" : "{ICON_URL}",
     "badge_icon_url" : "{BADGE_ICON_URL}",
     "banner_url" : "{BANNER_URL}",
     "landing_url" : "{LANDING_URL}",
     "actions" : [
     "text" : "{BUTTON_1_TEXT}",
     "url" : "{BUTTON_1_URL}",
      "text" : "{BUTTON_2_TEXT}",
      "url" : "{BUTTON_2_URL}",
      "utm_source" : "{UTM_SOURCE}",
      "utm_medium" : "{UTM_MEDIUM}",
      "utm_campaign" : "{UTM_CAMPAIGN}",
      "utm_term": "{UTM_TERM}",
      "utm_content": "{UTM_CONTENT}",
      "ttl" : {TTL_SECONDS},
      "override_tag" : "{OVERRIDE_TAG}",
      "target" : {
      "type" : "audience",
      "value": "{AUDIENCE_ID}"
      "open_in_app" :{TRUE/FALSE}
curl --request POST \
     --url https://apis.izooto.com/v1/notifications \
     --header 'Authentication-Token:YOUR_REST_API_KEY' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '{
     "campaign_name" : "{CAMPAIGN_NAME}",
     "title" : "{NOTIFICATION_TITLE}",
     "message" : "{NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE}",
     "icon_url" : "{ICON_URL}",
     "badge_icon_url" : "{BADGE_ICON_URL}",
     "banner_url" : "{BANNER_URL}",
     "landing_url" : "{LANDING_URL}",
     "actions" : [
     "text" : "{BUTTON_1_TEXT}",
     "url" : "{BUTTON_1_URL}",
      "text" : "{BUTTON_2_TEXT}",
      "url" : "{BUTTON_2_URL}",
      "utm_source" : "{UTM_SOURCE}",
      "utm_medium" : "{UTM_MEDIUM}",
      "utm_campaign" : "{UTM_CAMPAIGN}",
      "utm_term": "{UTM_TERM}",
      "utm_content": "{UTM_CONTENT}",
      "ttl" : {TTL_SECONDS},
      "override_tag" : "{OVERRIDE_TAG}",
      "target" : {
      "type" : "audience",
      "value": "{AUDIENCE_ID}"
      "open_in_app" :{TRUE/FALSE}


Fixed Values for UTM Parameters!

The values for utm_source and utm_medium is set to izooto and push_notifications respectively, by default, for both web and app push. This cannot be changed. If you use a different value in your payload, it will be ignored and the default values will be used.


Refer to this table to learn about the notification parameters being used.

Sample Code

curl -X POST \
 - H "Authentication-Token: abc123efgh456ijklmn9786" \
 - H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{
 "campaign_name" : "Test Campaign"
 "title" : "Limited Period Offer",
 "message" : "Go Shopping, Save Big",
 "icon_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/icon.png",
 "badge_icon_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/badge_icon.png",
 "banner_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/large-image.png",
 "landing_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/offers",
 "actions" : [
 "text" : "Buy Now",
 "url" : "https://yourdomain.com/buy-now",
 "icon" : "https://yourdomain.com/button_1_icon.png"
 "text" : "Compare",
 "url" : "https://yourdomain.com/compare",
 "icon" : "https://yourdomain.com/button_2_icon.png"
 "utm_source" : "izooto",
 "utm_medium" : "push_notifications",
 "utm_campaign" : "promotion",
 "utm_term": "term",
 "utm_contemt": "content",
 "req_interaction" : true,
 "override_tag" : "My Tag",
 "ttl" : 86400,
 "target" : {
 "type" : "audience",
 "value" : 1381
 }' "https://apis.izooto.com/v1/notifications"
curl --request POST \
     --url https://apis.izooto.com/v1/notifications \
     --header 'Authentication-Token:YOUR_REST_API_KEY' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data  '{
     "campaign_name" : "Test Campaign"
     "title" : "Limited Period Offer",
     "message" : "Go Shopping, Save Big",
     "icon_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/icon.png",
     "badge_icon_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/badge_icon.png",
     "banner_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/large-image.png",
     "landing_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/offers",
     "actions" : [
     "text" : "Read More",
     "url" : "https://yourdomain.com/world-news",
     "text" : "Local News",
     "url" : "https://yourdomain.com/local-news",
     "utm_source" : "izooto",
     "utm_medium" : "push_notifications",
     "utm_campaign" : "promotion",
     "utm_term": "term",
     "utm_contemt": "content",
     "ttl" : 86400,
     "override_tag" : "Test_Tag",
     "target" : {
     "type" : "audience",
     "value": 1381
     "open_in_app" :true
curl --request POST \
     --url https://apis.izooto.com/v1/notifications \
     --header 'Authentication-Token:YOUR_REST_API_KEY' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data  '{
     "campaign_name" : "Test Campaign"
     "title" : "Limited Period Offer",
     "message" : "Go Shopping, Save Big",
     "icon_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/icon.png",
     "badge_icon_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/badge_icon.png",
     "banner_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/large-image.png",
     "landing_url" : "https://yourdomain.com/offers",
     "actions" : [
     "text" : "Read More",
     "url" : "https://yourdomain.com/world-news",
     "text" : "Local News",
     "url" : "https://yourdomain.com/local-news",
     "utm_source" : "izooto",
     "utm_medium" : "push_notifications",
     "utm_campaign" : "promotion",
     "utm_term": "term",
     "utm_contemt": "content",
     "ttl" : 86400,
     "override_tag" : "Test_Tag",
     "target" : {
     "type" : "audience",
     "value": 1381
     "open_in_app" :true