News Hub Setup

Setting up News Hub for your website

Once you get confirmation that News Hub has been enabled for your account, you would start seeing News Hub inside the navigation menu in your iZooto Account.


News Hub in navigation menu.

Once inside, you would see a toggle to "Show News Hub on your website". Provided your website already has iZooto's web push notifications enabled, you can simply enable the toggle and be done with it.
All the notifications that you send after enabling News Hub will get automatically saved in News Hub.


Enabling News Hub


News Hub icon visible on your website.

Clicking on the bell icon would open News Hub where you will be able to see all the notifications which have been received on the device.


News Hub would need to be enabled for every website individually by following the above mentioned steps.

You would also be able to change the look and feel of how the News Hub widget appears on the website depending on the appearance of the website. See below to understand how this can be done.

Design Options

You can change the Design or Icon of News Hub that would be visible to your end users. Once News Hub is enabled, you can click on Edit Design just below the News Hub toggle to change the appearance and customize the theme.


Edit Design

Currently, there are two different designs available for News Hub.

Floating Icon

When selected, this will start showing a Floating Bell Icon in the bottom right corner of your website. You would have the ability to change the Theme, Icon, and Position of this from the Design Screen itself.


Floating Icon

Sticky Sidebar

As the name suggests, this option provides a sidebar that would be visible on your website at all times. Clicking on the sidebar would open News Hub.


Sticky Sidebar


The below customisations are available with the two design options mentioned above:


You can change the title of the News Hub widget to anything that would most resonate with your website visitors. All languages are supported.


Change News Hub Title


You can change the colour and theme of the widget depending upon the look & feel of your website. We recommend modifying News Hub's theme similar to your websites to offer an excellent User Experience.


Changing Theme


You can also select from a set of pre-defined icons instead of the default bell icon. We recommend choosing the one that meets your website theme structure.


Changing Icon


Lastly, you can also decide where on the website would you like to show this floating icon - 4 options are available.


Changing Placement

Modify the Default Placement of the Floating Icon

You can also modify the default position of the floating icon design on your website. Use the below method to change the placement:

  window._izq = window._izq || [];

The above method should be added in place of the default iZooto SDK initialisation code and the same method will work for all kinds of devices.


Points to Note:

  • The shiftVertical and shiftHorizontal parameters accept both positive and negative values.
  • Default cartesian coordinate rules apply, meaning:
    • Positive values for shiftVertical will shift the News Hub Floating icon in the up direction and negative values will shift it downwards.
    • Similarly, positive values for shiftHorizontal will shift the icon in the right direction and negative values will shift it towards the left.
  • The maximum and minimum values for the shiftVertical andshiftHorizontal parameters is 50 and -50 respectively.
  • If a value greater than 50 or less than -50 is provided, it will default to 50 and -50 respectively.

Additional Options in News Hub

Besides clicking on the notifications from the News Hub, you can also share any article available in the News Hub on different social media channels by using the Share button available by hovering over the articles. Support for Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, EMail, and LinkedIn is available as of now.


Sharing from inside News Hub

The URL of the article is also available if you wish to share it on any other channels apart from the ones mentioned above.

Measuring the Performance and Impact

You would be able to view the cumulative number of clicks for the articles under the News Hub tab. This is in addition to the number of clicks you get on the push notification.


Overall Clicks


You are now all set to use the latest iZooto offering and increase the page views for your website!!