Automating Notifications
Automated notifications help you set up a campaign which you want to schedule it for a later time on a recurring basis. This helps you to focus on more important tasks and let the notifications be pushed automatically.
For sending Automated Notifications, you have three options, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
Let's say you wish to push a notification daily to your subscribers at a certain time. For example - your catalog changes every day at 9 pm and you want that a notification gets pushed automatically to your subscribers informing them about it.
All you have to do is fill in the title and message along with the landing page and choose the option 'Daily' under 'Recurring'. That's it. The notification would get pushed every single day to the chosen audience.
This is also very handy when it comes to re-targeting lead drop-offs and those who abandon their carts.

Check this out to know more on how to re-target your audience who abandoned their cart.
This option helps you send notifications on a weekly basis on the selected days. Let's say you want to run a campaign every Friday of the week at 9 pm.
Would you sit infront of your system to create and then manually send it every Friday at 9 pm?
Absolutely not!
All you need to do is select 'Weekly' under 'Recurring' and then select the days and time on which you want the notification to be pushed. And Voila! The notification would get pushed every single day of the week you've chosen.

Similar to Daily and Weekly campaigns, the Monthly option allows you to select the particular dates on which you want your campaigns to be pushed. Let's take an example here: Say you are a service provider and charge your users every 28th of the month. You can set up a notification that gets pushed every 28th of the month to your users reminding them to complete their payment.
All you need to do is select 'Monthly' under 'Recurring' and select the dates you want to push the notifications to your users, and you're all set.

Recommended Reading
We recommend reading this to know how you can benefit from Automated Notifications
Updated about 2 years ago