Campaign Performance

Web push notifications are delivered to a subscriber’s browser. To deliver notifications Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Edge use Voluntary Application Server Identification for Web Push (VAPID) protocol, while Safari uses Apple Push Notification Service.

Notifications that are pushed via iZooto can be viewed under Campaign Reports.

Last Sent

This metric shows the time when the last notification of that particular campaign was sent.


This shows the audience count at that particular time when the campaign was pushed.

For recurring campaigns, this would be a cumulative count of all the runs so far.


When a user sends a notification, the iZooto server pushes it to the VAPID server in case of Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge and APN servers in the case of Safari. The browser server then accepts to push notifications to the active subscribers. This defines the "Sent" count for iZooto.

Let's take an example, let’s assume that a notification was pushed to an audience of 100 and the browser server replies back saying that the actual count (at that precise time) is 98, the ‘Sent’ column in the notification report would show 98.

Sent notifications don't indicate the count of viewed notifications.

For recurring campaigns, this would be a cumulative count of all the runs so far.


The clicked count shows the total number of clicks received on a particular notification. It depends on multiple factors including but not limited to content, timing, audience, etc.


CTR (Click Through Rate) is the number of clicks received on a notification divided by the notifications sent. This is usually the metric marketers use to analyze the effectiveness of any campaign. CTRs also depend on various factors - Content, timing, audience, and frequency of notifications sent. The clicks and CTR keep getting updated on the report.

Notifications are delivered to the subscriber even when he/she is not on the website. Here is where they get delivered/stacked:

  • Windows - right above the taskbar
  • Mac - Mac OS notification center
  • Linux - top right section of the browser
  • Android - notification tray