Android Native SDK Setup

Steps for setting up your Native Android app with iZooto's App Notifications.

Follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Prerequisites

  • Your iZooto App ID. You can find it under Settings > General in your account.
  • Google/Firebase Server API Key
  • Android Studio
  • An Android 4.3 or newer device or emulator with 'Google Play Services' installed.
  • google-services.json file should already be added to your project. Learn More.

Step 2: Add iZooto Dependencies

2.1 Open your app/build.gradle (Module: app) file, add/modify the following lines of code inside the Android > defaultConfig section:

android {
    manifestPlaceholders = [
     	izooto_app_id : 'YOUR_iZOOTO_APP_ID_HERE'
android {
  defaultConfig {
    manifestPlaceholders["izooto_app_id"] = "YOUR_iZOOTO_APP_ID_HERE"

The iZOOTO_APP_ID will be available on the iZooto panel once you have submitted the FCM details. Refer to our guide on how to do this.

2.2 Add the following lines of code to the dependencies section:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.izooto:android-sdk:2.4.0'
  implementation platform('')
  implementation ''
  // Use the below two libraries only if you're using Pulse feature
  implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.16.0'
  implementation 'androidx.browser:browser:1.7.0'
  // Use the below libraries only if you would like to implement Google One Tap in your app


Sync Gradle

Make sure to press "Sync Now" on the banner that pops up after saving!


Android 13 Supported!!

Our latest Native SDK (1.5.9 and above) now supports versions till Android 13 and also includes support for Power Push.

Step 3: AndroidManifest.XML Changes

3.1 Open AndroidManifest.xml and add the following lines of code inside the manifest tag:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS"/>

3.2 Add the following lines of code inside the application tag:

   android:name=".MyApplicationName" > // Change this to your Application Class

Step 4: Initialize iZooto in the Main Application Class

4.1 Add the following to the onCreate method in your Application class.

import com.izooto.iZooto;

public class MyApplicationName extends Application {
  public void onCreate() {
    // iZooto Initialization
import com.izooto.iZooto

class MyApplication:Application(){
    override fun onCreate() {
     // iZooto Initialization


FirebaseMessagingService() is already handled in iZooto's SDK. If you have added this as an explicit method, please comment out the code.

Step 5: Run and Test your app

Run your app on an Android 4.3+ device or the Android emulator to make sure your device is subscribed to notifications and can receive notifications sent from the iZooto dashboard.


Make sure that you have configured your FCM Server API Key and Sender ID corresponding to your Android Project on iZooto.

Click here for a guide.

Step 6: Customize what your app does when a notification is clicked or received (Optional)

Notification Listeners

onNotificationReceived - This will be called when a notification is received.

onNotificationOpened - This will be called when a notification is tapped on.

Step 7: Programmatically Triggering the Native Permission Prompt (only for Android 13 and above)

Refer to the iZooto Android 13 Push Notification Developer Update Guide to understand the changes needed to be done in your app to provide support for push notifications if your app has started supporting Android 13 (API level 33) or higher.